
McGill Student Chapter of Independent Jewish Voices

McGill Student Chapter of Independent Jewish Voices

McGill’s Student Chapter of IJV is a grassroots student initiative. It aims to create solidarity links between non/anti-Zionist Jewish voices...

McGill BDS Action Network

McGill BDS Action Network

We are a grassroots student-led campaign at McGill to answer the call from Palestinian civil society for Boycott, Divestment, and...

Projet accompagnement solidarité Colombie (PASC)

Projet accompagnement solidarité Colombie (PASC)

Le PASC est un collectif qui est né suite aux grandes mobilisations contre la Zone de Libre-Échange des Amériques. Depuis...

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights

A non-profit, student-based organization that advocates on a strong social justice platform to uphold the rights of the Palestinian people...



Tadamon! (Arabic for “solidarity”), is a Montréal-based collective which works in solidarity with struggles for self-determination, equality, and justice in...

Filipino Indigenous People’s Organization of Québec (FIPOQ)

Filipino Indigenous People’s Organization of Québec (FIPOQ)

FIPOQ is a non-profit grass root organization. We are networking with other indigenous groups of Filipinos and non-Filipinos in the...