La Maison Grise
Offers shelter for women living in homelessness and experiencing abuse. They also provide assistance in finding affordable housing. 24/7. Address...
Offers shelter for women living in homelessness and experiencing abuse. They also provide assistance in finding affordable housing. 24/7. Address...
Provides shelter for immigrant women and children experiencing abuse. Address is confidential, call for details. Services in: English, Spanish, Portuguese,...
Free short-term shelter for women and children who are experiencing or have experienced conjugal violence. They also support women in...
Shelter catering specifically to immigrant women and their children experiencing abuse. 24/7. 22150 Csp St-Marc. Services in: French, Chinese, Spanish,...
Offers support and frontline services to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women and children to promote their empowerment and independence....
Provides shelter for women with children experiencing abuse. Experience in assisting immigrant women. Address is confidential, call for details.Services in:...
Shelter for homeless women struggling with addiction or who are experiencing abuse. Address is confidential, call for details.
Shelter and counselling/resource office (two separate locations) for women and children who are experiencing or have experienced situations of conjugal...
A daytime shelter 7 days a week for all women in difficulty. The house provides meals, respite, clothing, socio-recreational activities...