Le Centre de Santé des Femmes de Montréal
Offers information sessions about abortion. They provide morning-after pills and abortion services, and have a supportive, non-judgemental approach. 3401 Avenue...
Offers information sessions about abortion. They provide morning-after pills and abortion services, and have a supportive, non-judgemental approach. 3401 Avenue...
Abortion services, STI testing, family planning counselling, and contraception, including IUDs. 1265 Berri, suite 430 hours: mon-fri 8 am –...
Youth Clinic which provides counseling about pregnancy options and also provides abortion services. For youth 18 years and under. 6...
Non-judgemental, anonymous, and confidential phone line. You can also set up an appointment with a counselor to do a pregnancy...
MAAP/PAR am helps people accessing abortion navigate the system in Montreal by providing non–directional support and accompaniment services. The support...
Abortion services, curettage (for miscarriages and stopped pregnancies) and contraception services. All–women team of doctors, nurses, and assistants. Free with...
Health card validation, doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, nutritionists, speech therapists, blood tests, sexual health and vaccination services available. Pre...
Walk-in clinic, STI testing, counselling, abortion referral, pregnancy tests, contraception, free condoms, hormone treatment program for trans-identified clients and more....