Groups + Resources

Action Centre

Action Centre

Multicultural activity centre for those with physical or cognitive disabilities that aims to empower, support and include. Provides educational, recreational,...

All Black Everything Montréal

All Black Everything Montréal

Working document about resources available within Montréal’s Black communities.

DisAbled Women’s Network/Réseau d’Action des Femmes Handicapées

DisAbled Women’s Network/Réseau d’Action des Femmes Handicapées

Established In 1985, the DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada (DAWN) is a national, feminist, cross-disability organization that has provided opportunities...

McGill Student Accessibility and Achievement office

McGill Student Accessibility and Achievement office

(formerly McGill Office for Students with Disabilities) Students can register with the Student Accessibility and Achievement office if they are...

radical access mapping project (ramp)

radical access mapping project (ramp)

Disability Justice focused accessibility auditing is about collectively creating useful, accurate, broad-based and up to date accessibility information about the...

Black Lives Matter Montreal

Black Lives Matter Montreal

BLM Montréal is an action group that aims to form connections and to work in solidarity with black communities, black-centric...

Montréal Noir

Montréal Noir

Montréal Noir est un collectif de citoyens Montréalais inquiets par les dérapages policiers envers les communautés noires et le racisme...

GARAM MASALA (Montreal Alliance of South Asian Leftists and Allies)

GARAM MASALA (Montreal Alliance of South Asian Leftists and Allies)

We are a Montréal-based group called “GARAM MASALA” (an acronym for “Groupe d’Action Révolutionnaire sud-Asiatique de Montréal / Montreal Alliance...

Tout Le Hood En Parle

Tout Le Hood En Parle

Tout Le Hood En Parle puts forward the testimonies, histories and cultures of people of colour through online video interviews,...

Black Indigenous Harm Reduction Coalition (BIHRA)

Black Indigenous Harm Reduction Coalition (BIHRA)

BIHRA facilitate community discussions about sexual health & harm reduction, by & for Black & Indigenous people in Tio’tia:ke. We...

McGill Black Students’ Network

McGill Black Students’ Network

Founded in 1970, we are a SSMU service, available to the entire McGill and Montréal Community. We are dedicated to...

Third Eye Collective

Third Eye Collective

The Third Eye Collective is an intergenerational grassroots collective led by female-identified people of Black/African origins dedicated to healing from...

DESTA Black Youth Network

DESTA Black Youth Network

As a community-based organization serving marginalized youth, aged 18 to 35 in the Greater Montréal area, our mission is to...

Black Community Resource Centre

Black Community Resource Centre

The Black Community Resource Centre (BCRC) provides and implements professional innovative support services to individuals, communities, para-public and public organizations....